Well, it means you have to be a harder effort for promoting produkmu. Not only keep innovating products, innovation in marketing are also necessary, lho.
Well, for Ralali's best friend who is looking for ways to compete! Please check out Ralali tips below.
First, a brand name that is unique and easy to remember
Unique and memorable. It's mandatory! Do not only unique course. Especially if the difficulty is pronounced. Its function so that your brand will appear on the heads of customers once they hear the field related categories.
Packaging that makes shame if disposed
Don't just use a plastic bag! Trying to create/replace the more unique packaging and unsightly. In addition to attracting attention, Your packaging will also be stored. And when one day wear, fair's promotion could be ' walking '.
The price obviously have to compete
Specify a specific target market. After that, do a survey around your business environment. It's already legal wajibnya all the effort. Prices are indeed proven to always be one of the biggest factors in the culinary business. So, don't forget to plug the competitive rates, Yes!
Cheap little key, do anything, as long as the practice. The existence of ' practice ', then usually dispersed lah pamor your business in parts of the city.
Compulsory banget post in social media!
Social media best suited to current culinary business is a blog and instagram. Instagram look more eye-catching, while the blog has access for authors to discuss any details related to your business. The combination of both media is denied is very fit and complement each other.
Don't forget the hashtag and make sure your posts are published in the hours in which a lot of people started opening up social media, e.g. before and after working hours, or in the hours of rest.
The latter begin from yourself
If you want to compete, must have souls compete! Make it a habit become open-minded, unyielding, firm against yourself, and always manages time well.
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